a quiet day





Video Insatallation/2012/12min
Material - Wooden boxes, Projector, Speaker

2012 solo exhibition at Yokohama Creative Center, Japan
2013 solo exhibition at SKIP CITY, SAINOKUNI Visual Museum, Japan
2014 "Eternal Fading Words" at MoNTUE, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 "Future Bodies of Asia" at Japan Creative Center, Singapore

There is a similar town. Seemingly they are calm by peace. but who knows what will happen tomorrow?
After 3.11, in Japan, we have lost many things. The lost told us that tomorrow might not be the tomorrow. We have experienced the night which has never come and the night which has never ended at the same time. What we need now is to understand the real meaning of the repetition of both life and death. The day when we must receive it gets closer to us. It is because we live in now, and we memorize a past, and this is because it thinks about our future.

We think that it is that it is possible for us to begin to ask it with what to do not asking you a question why such a thing happened in now. Not thinking why such a thing happened, we have to ask oneself, what would be the best thing to do? The only thing that we can do is that.

A town is an everyday occurrence, and our day life, and also the past history. We regarded a sense of distance of the personal need and the demand for group. We learn the present from the memory of the town. We tried that we talked facing a meaning of the essence without being confused by camouflaged environment. We think that this similar-shaped town has reality necessary for us now.


/////// performance / 60min

direction : Keisuke Takahashi  
script : Mikuni Yanaihara

performers : Daisuke Matsunaga, Nozomi Kawada

Aug. 2012 at YOKOHAMA Creative Center, Japan
Feb.2013 at AI Hall, Itami, Japan
Mar. 2013 at KICHIJOJI Theatre, Tokyo, Japan
Oct. 2013 at KOGANE-CHO Management Center "Smart Illumination YOKOHAMA"
Dec. 2016 at SUIGEN Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan
May. 2019 at TAOYUAN City Hall, Taiwan
May. 2019 at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan



©2017 Keisuke Takahashi.